2024 Results
What a fantastic day it turned out to be for the fifth running of Trans Cape SwimRun on Saturday March 9th 2024. Thanks to every single person who took part and helped make the day such a great experience.
The winning teams in each category were:
Male Teams
1st - COK and SON - Ciaran O'Kane & Sean O'Neill (3:05:50)
2nd - Légion Étrangère Ploemeur - Paul Laver & Chris Felgate (3:17:43)
3rd - Dad Bods - Lachie McDougall & Cam Fabian (3:29:80)
Female Teams
1st - Jess and Phip - Phip Hughes & Jess Green (3:37:34)
2nd - Sexy Minxes - Janine Barrow & Kizzi Vale (3:47:16)
3rd - Incredibles 2 - Anna-Lee Martinovich & Kathryn Ryan (3:48:19)
Mixed Teams
1st - Thirteen - Gervase Vlahov & Ella Phelan (3:37:34)
2nd - Bresanellos - Jason Bresanello & Rachel Bresanello (3:39:24)
3rd - DUD - Ashleigh Webster & Mick Bray (3:55:59)
For a full list of results, click here